Sunday, June 22, 2008

THING 2: The Hardest Habit of the 7 1/2 Habits....

Habit 3 is the hardest habit for me to use in my lifelong learning journey. I won't say I've NEVER used a problem as a learning tool or opportunity, but I do find a good problem will slow me down or frustrate me when trying to meet a goal. The most frustrating part for me of meeting a challenge is the time it takes to overcome it, or to figure out how to pass it up and keep going. I will be putting this habit to the test with our summer "library2play" activities. After having said technology was my easiest habit, I found setting up and understanding the blog a bit challenging and eventually frustrating. I'm still not sure I've done it right :o(

Angels Among Us - please review, advise and let me know I'm out there and viewable!

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